WEN is shining a spotlight on Members who have had great wins, overcome obstacles, used innovative approaches or made other strides as an entrepreneur and who are ready to share their tips with you!
We are delighted to shine our light on Platinum Member and Circle Event Sponsor: Dr. Nichole Salmond of Optimal Family Health Ltd.
Dr Nichola Salmond is the Director and General Practitioner at Optimal Family Health. She has been a general practitioner for 30 years and established Optimal Family Health 5 years ago. We asked Dr. Salmond to share some of her most valuable insights as an entrepreneur and tell us a little bit about her journey as a business owner.
Business Nature: General Health Practice
Business Start Date: 2016
Best Achievement to Date: Seeing my patients recover from long term issues.
One Thing to do Different if Possible: Set up SOP‘s from the start! I never even heard of them until two years in!
One Tip: Join Wen and get support from other women business owners!
Tell us about your entrepreneurial journey: It never crossed my mind to start my own business before, however my previous practice was sold to a business group whose ethos I did not agree with. After considering my options I chose to open up on my own to be able to have a practice where I could better control the patient experience and continue practicing holistic and functional medicine.
I was definitely scared on several levels, the financial investment, the possibility of failure and the responsibility of the buck stopping at me. However I decided to give it a go and I have been pleasantly surprised by how successful the business has become.
I am aware that although the business is successful it has adversely affected my work life balance as I now have 2 jobs; being a doctor and running a business…
Another issue is financially the business is completely reliant on my being there the majority of the time which I find frustrating, however I am looking at ways of solving this issue going forward.
I have learnt a lot about myself and my strengths and weaknesses and I have been surprised to find that I am more capable than I realised. I never saw myself in the role of business woman however sometimes you just have to jump in and do something to realise you can do it!
How do you measure success? Measured success is having to work less and delegate more!
What have been your biggest lessons? Don’t keep incapable staff just because they are liked by everyone, and never hire friends.
What is the next step for your business? Find more good staff so I can work less and the business is not as reliant on me being there.
What top three pieces of advice do you have for other women entrepreneurs?
- Take time to hire the right staff and get rid of them quickly if it doesn’t feel right.
- Set up SOP’s.
- Have good staff contracts set up by lawyers.
Optimal Family Health is Event Sponsor for our upcoming Circle Event on 26th May 2021: Success Stories. Reserve your spot to be inspired and learn from those that have walked before you and to enjoy a special offer from Optimal Family Health here.
Website: www.optimalfamilyhealth.com.hk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Optimalfamilyhealthhk
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